This site is for Dove Canyon Homeowners and their dogs.

Please feel free to share information and tips about our canine pets. It's also a forum where we can exchange idea's and gain community support for an off leash play area.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Coyote Alert

Around 4:30pm yesterday, A coyote was spotted in the hill by the grass area left of the pool. Button's Mom was walking with her family and saw a Coyote dart out of the shrub and grabbed a rabbit. A big thanks to Marjorie for alerting us so we could warn other dog walkers. I'm not a wildlife expert, but I'm pretty sure if a Coyote finds a plentiful food source, and we've all seen the many rabbits in this area, the Coyote will be back. So keep an eye out and warn the next person you see walking in the area.

So, what should you do if you spot a coyote nearby? Don’t call animal control, unless the animal is exhibiting unusual behavior, as in it’s hurt, acting aggressively or posing a threat to people. Animal Control officials can only urge residents to avoid leaving water or food outside. If a coyote comes close, make noise, and take small pets and children inside. If it's acting aggressive, call authorities right away.

A special note to dog walkers: get rid of those retractable leashes, pets that walk 12 feet away from your body become an easy target for quick-footed coyotes.

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