This site is for Dove Canyon Homeowners and their dogs.

Please feel free to share information and tips about our canine pets. It's also a forum where we can exchange idea's and gain community support for an off leash play area.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Have you sent in your survey yet?

Remember to send in your survey to Seabreeze. All surveys need to be in by June 1st. I'm asking dog owners that I meet if they have sent it in and it's amazing how many people don't even know about the survey, I guess not everyone reads the Dove Canyon newsletter. I encourage you to tell your neighbors and friends in Dove to complete the survey and send it in. This is our chance to find out how many people are interested in a Park for Paws. Some dog owners have commented that it seems as though Animal Control and Dove Canyon Security interests seems to have waned. However, we still take Diva down to the grassy area by the tennis courts almost everyday along with a few others, and we miss all the dogs and owners who use to come down to exercise and socialize their pets because they don't want to take a chance of getting a ticket. The more Dove Canyon residents who fill out the survey and send in their comments and suggestions for a dog park in our community, the better our chances of getting one. So, let's send in those surveys!

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