This site is for Dove Canyon Homeowners and their dogs.

Please feel free to share information and tips about our canine pets. It's also a forum where we can exchange idea's and gain community support for an off leash play area.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Picking Up The Ball - Starting a Petition

I'm picking up the ball so we can run with the possibility of a future dog park in Dove Canyon. The support of the community must be the number one priority and I want to make sure the petition we put together is concise, informative and presents a good case to increase our chances of actually getting a dog park. Research has confirmed my belief that "you can find everything on the internet". There are actual sites that you can post your petition on and people can go to that link and sign the petition and provide comments. So, I've e-mailed out some wording and waiting on all our Dog Lover's input. My goal is to send out an actual petition next week. This would be great to have in hand to take to the next board meeting. Please keep encouraging your friends and neighbors to send me their e-mails so I can have a list of people to invite online to sign the petition. Of course, e-mail me back with your idea's and suggestions. I'm happy to run with the ball, but need you all to throw it back at me.

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